$625.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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Transforming the Toddler Years Course - PPLevel 3

Level 3 Includes all of the below PLUS...

Three (3), 60 minute personalized 1:1 coaching sessions with Cara to ensure your most massive transformation. 

⭐6 LIVE Group Training Sessions working through the curriculum.  

⭐2, 60 minute Group Q&A’s where Cara will provide real-time group coaching to help you troubleshoot and do her patent-pending💃🏽happy dance to celebrate your breakthroughs! 

⭐Personalized Parenting Strengths Assessment 

⭐Intake & Exit Assessment

⭐Strategy Stacking Resource Guide

⭐Your Personalized Parenting Toolkit (fillable pdf)

⭐Video Recordings of all sessions 

Let's Raise Some World Ready Kids Who Will Change the World!