How to Find the Calm inside the Chaos of Motherhood

I just got back from two weeks on the road. I racked up:
- Three climates
- two time zones
- and a whole lot of amazing adventures.
I was in Colorado, meeting clients, writing, and exploring the Rocky Mountains.
The mornings started at 24 degrees, the afternoons finished at 60 but felt like 80!
I was in Arizona speaking and teaching at the National Headstart Association's conference for amazing educators who are out there working with your kids every single day to give them their best start to their educational journey.
The mornings started at 70 finished at 90 and felt like 100!
I was exhausted and I was invigorated.
I was in my zone and totally outside of my safe space.
I was physically dysregulated but also more connected to my true self than ever before.
It got me thinking about the psychology of motherhood; that chaos is the norm and we can be in two different states of being at the same time.
We can be simultaneously overwhelmed and filled with joy at watching our child do something for the first time.
We can be physically depleted, living with sleep deprivation and still love every second of being with our kids.
Accepting this means acknowledging that our first job is to control the chaos.
Mantra style: I am in control of my chaos and it starts within me.
I need to be in control of myself.
I need to be self aware of what I'm feeling - right now.
It's okay to feel two emotions at the same time.
It's okay to experience two moments at the same time.
This was what I lived for the last two weeks and I walked away with memories, new experiences and opportunities because I embraced the chaos.
I welcomed Jenna Hermans to the show, where she shares how she took control of her parenting life after finding she was living inside the chaos exclusively for far too long.
Cara Tyrrell, M.Ed is mom to three girls, a Vermont based Early Childhood Educator, Collaborative Parenting Coach, and the founder of Core4Parenting. She is the passionate mastermind behind the Collaborative Parenting Methodology™, a birth-to-five, soul and science based framework that empowers toddler parents and educators to turn tantrums into teachable moments. Through keynotes, teacher training, and her top-ranking podcast, Transforming the Toddler Years, she’s teaching the 5 Executive Functioning Skills kids need to navigate our ever-changing world.
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